https://unit.city/en/about-unit/UNIT.City is Ukraine’s first innovation park. It is the location where matchless infrastructure and all-inclusive ecosystem enable high technology, innovative and creative businesses to happen and flourish. Here the concentration of companies, startups, students, professionals and research laboratories creates conditions for businesses within the park to grow faster than outside.
http://sensoramalab.com/#rec47991360Sensorama studio specializes in virtual and augmented reality applications development, 3D modeling & animation, 360 video production. Sensorama experts mentoring, newest hardware supplied by our partners, and micro-financing are boosting developing VR | AR | MR prototypes and products. Sensorama organizes events that connect local AI VR | AR professionals and tech entrepreneurs. We help Ukrainian community keep up with the most recent developments in immersive technologies.
Is an annual multidisciplinary international festival of contemporary art and cinema in Kiev, Ukraine, dedicated to the famous writer Nikolai Gogol. The festival showcases theater, music, film, literature and visual art.